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Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Origin

I know, I know. What am I thinking? Having the URL for my blog involve the phrase "nice package" and title it, of all things, "All I Need". Give me a break. I joined this whole blog game a bit late, and I think all the sites left on the series of tubes was this and "" ... oh, wait .... yeaaah, that just got swiped up, so I'm gonna have to stick you guys with this.

You might be wondering why I'm starting a blog about 3.7 years behind everyone else. But I will give you a simple, two-word answer: "The Bitches."

Sorry. I meant to say, "Dave Chappelle." That's cleaner. Yes. Rather.

I went to see this genius of comedy last night in San Francisco at a surprise stand-up performance. Apparently, he was sitting at his home in Columbus, Ohio yesterday, and suddenly he decided that he hadn't been to San Francisco in a while. So, he made some calls, got on a plane, and boom, there he was at the Punchline Comedy Club in front of a 60-bucks-a-pop crowd full of SF yuppies. Actually, before he did all that, he put out the weed he was smoking. Must have been some good shit.

All the guy brought to the stage was the hooded zip-up sweatshirt on his back and a plethora of Winstons. No material. No shtick. Nothing. He sat up there for an hour and a half and just talked. And the audience - myself included - just laughed their asses off.

He talked movies; he hasn't seen Borat. The jeers from the crowd explaining how funny Borat is and how he HAS to see the movie led to a "STOP PRESSURING ME!" exclamation as only Dave can do. However, he did concede that he was definitely seeing Rocky Balboa and contemplating making Half Baked VI when he's 60.

He talked TV; he is a huge fan of Heroes. He described how funny he thought it was that the Cheerleader went to school the day after being raped, killed and cut open on an autopsy table. Of course, he commented on the fact that the black guy's power in the show is getting out of handcuffs. I can't even count how many times he did the squinty-mouth clench Hiro Nakamura face. On a side note, he called Mind of Mencia shit.

He talked politics; although he hopes for a Hillary-Condoleeza cat fight, he believes Barack Obama will win.

Okay, I am not comparing myself to Dave at all. I just figured, "Damn, how sweet would it be to be able to talk about the stuff I love, and put it out there for people to read and waste their time on."

And from this, The Nice Package has risen.

(I really need to do something about that name...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man! Sounds like a missed a really good show.