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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Terse NFL Picks - The Championship Round

Saints over Bears - I'm going to be in New Orleans next weekend, so hopefully I can catch some pre-Super Bowl festivities. Or run into new resident Angelina Jolie. Either would be nice.

Colts over Patriots - My brain says "Pats", but my gut says "Colts". Maybe it's the other way around.

By the way, if you need to get a life, check this out.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pining for President Palmer: Bush's Interview on 60 Minutes

If you were preparing for the 24 Season 6 Premiere rather than watching 60 Minutes, I really can't blame you. I have been a huge fan since college, when I stayed up until 4:00 AM daily for a week straight watching Season 1 on DVD with my roommates. I remember recognizing Jack Bauer as a true badass, as anyone who has watched a single episode of 24 rightly should. I also recall being a bit jealous of the fictional U.S. nation the show portrayed because of its honorable President David Palmer. President Palmer was well-spoken, giving inspirational speeches week after week, or rather, hour after hour. He had to make several controversial decisions - granting Nina multiple pardons and allowing the murder of ball-busting CTU Regional Director Chappelle. But he always had the good of the American people in his heart. President Palmer had to make some tough calls, but he made them with such confidence and dignity that I supported him.

Unfortunately, I had to snap out of my fantasy world and return to a nation run by a president that has started a seemingly endless war and has already spent 365 days of his two terms at Camp David. Yes, you read that right; Bush has spent one full year of his six years as Commander-in-Chief unwinding at the Presidential Retreat.

So when I heard that 60 Minutes was showing a one-on-one interview of President Bush, I had to watch. I wanted to see what he had to say for himself and his War on Terror in 2007. Plus, I had already seen all four hours of the 24 premiere (I got the hookup!).

You can read a full transcript of the interview or watch the video using the link below. I would recommend watching the clip simply for his reaction to the comments on his popularity and stubbornness. High comedy.

Palmer in '08.

Well, I guess Obama in '08 is close enough.

Full Transcript of President Bush Interview

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Terse NFL Playoff Picks - Round 2

Colts over Ravens - I just really want to see Colts-Pats next week.

Eagles over Saints - After watching Westbrook last week, I'm sold on the Eagles chances against a porous Saints run defense. Plus, Jeff Garcia!

Bears over Seahawks - Grossman INT. Alexander sucky. Bears' D TD. Zzzzzz...

Pats over Chargers - See "Colts over Ravens" above.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Daily Show: Jason Jones and the Gay Translator

Although The Daily Show talent pool has thoroughly diminished with the departures of such greats as Colbert, Carrel and Corddry, there remains one bright spot: Jason Jones.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Annoyingly Addictive Mind Game + Playoff Picks

If you're bored at work or are a geek like me and just enjoy mind games, check out this one: Ouverture Facile. Yah, it's French, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

On to my Terse NFL Playoff Picks...

Colts over Chiefs - Peyton yells at his teammates constantly during the game, acts cordial after the win, and signs up for 13 more commercials to work on after his season is over; in other words, they are scheduled to shoot next week.

Cowboys over Seahawks - Romo wins this one for Jessica Simpson and shows that "Your Body is a Wonderland" ain't got shit on him. Hasselbeck gets demoted from Campbell's Chunky to Spaghetti O's.

Patriots over Jets - Pennington's bionic shoulder runs out of batteries and the Jets fail when trying to trade for Vinny at halftime.

Eagles over Giants - Garcia does it for Gilroy.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The End of an Era: The O.C. is Cancelled

According to Ain't It Cool News:

The series finale of The O.C. will air Feb. 22, the Fox Network announced Wednesday afternoon.

This comes as a surprise to few, as Fox ordered only 16 episodes for the series’ fourth season, and has been getting clobbered Thursday nights by megahits Grey’s Anatomy and CSI.

I'll admit that last year's season was crap, and putting it up against the Thursday Night juggernauts surely was not going to help. All that, MINUS Mischa. The end seemed inevitable.

But did you check out this season? The O.C. finally returned to the standard of enjoyment it set during its first season without the help of the waif-like Mischa Barton, whose acting prowess probably peaked while vomiting in The Sixth Sense. Autumn Reseer as bubbly Taylor Townsend solidified herself near the top of the TV Hotties list, and the new amusing additions of Mini Cooper and Summer's hippie college chum Che were making The O.C. return as one of those shows I thoroughly look forward to watching. The Cohens are as lovable as ever, and my cougar-crushes on Kirsten and Julie remain with full force.

I'm just now recovering from the loss of such TV gems as Roswell and Arrested Development, coping barely with the help of their DVD box sets.

Frankly, I'm looking forward to the myriad "Save The O.C." petitions that are sure to pop up.

Oh, wait. Here's one now. Save The O.C.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Jose Gonzalez - Emo ... And I Love It

Like No Other - video powered by Metacafe

Why I Cherish Celeb Gossip Sites

To defend my decision to put a gossip feed on my blog, please click below:


Okay, I just thought that was cool. This link's pretty sweet, too:

Jessica Alba.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Oh, Those News Media Rascals

Good to see everyone is starting off the new year playing nice as November quickly approaches.

On a Middle East-related note, did you know that "Dubai is fucking nuts!"?

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friday Night Lights: I Have No Will Power

Since my TiVo is already being pushed to its limit, I tried to resist, but I finally caved and checked out the show Friday Night Lights. And of course, I got hooked. High school football - Good. High school drama - Good. High school hot chicks - GOOOOOD. Plus, a guaranteed two to three chill scenes per episode.

I highly recommend checking it out before it returns from its hiatus in January at, where all 10 episodes are being streamed for free.

Something to do while recovering from your New Years hangover, perhaps.

Monday, December 25, 2006

The Ricky Gervais Podcast - Christmas Edition

If you haven't checked out the Ricky Gervais podcasts, which are actually in the Guinness Book of World Records for most downloads, then you can start with their new Christmas Special available here for free: The Podfather, Part III

A little background for you: Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant are the creators of the original Office from the UK (which you have to check out and be patient with because its addictive), and basically use these 30-minute long podcasts to talk drivel and ridicule their "little, bald mank" producer Karl Pilkington (see monkey below).

It's really some funny shit, something that I usually put on at work to keep me smiling. I have all their old podcasts as well, so let me know if you're interested. Also, they have a bunch available on iTunes. Come on, give it a shot.

The Podfather, I (Free)
The Podfather, II (Free)

The Rest on iTunes

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Good Shepherd

With the age of ridiculously priced movie tickets staying strong, Netflix is my best friend. I'm a patient man; I can wait the standard 4-5 months for the DVD to come out. But when I saw the commercial for The Good Shepherd, with such critic quotes as "THE GODFATHER OF SPY MOVIES!" and "THE BEST SPY MOVIE EVER!", I was sold.

Okay, actually it took some convincing from my friends after a long day of last-minute Christmas shopping when I could have just as easily sat on my ass at home and had a solid helping of Battlestar Galactica Season 2. Plus, I am not so sure Larry King and I share similar taste in film. But I hadn't seen some of my buddies in a while, so I said frak it and hit up the theater.

The plot (courtesy of WikiPedia):

"The value of secrecy -- commitment to honor and discretion -- has been embedded in Edward Wilson (Matt Damon) since childhood. As a dedicated, optimistic student at Yale University, he is recruited to join the Order of Skull and Bones, a secret society designed to breed the world leaders of tomorrow. Wilson's acute intelligence, immaculate reputation, and sincere belief in American values render him a prime candidate for a career in intelligence. During the Second World War, General Sullivan (Robert De Niro) recruits him to the new Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency. As one of the Office's covert founders, duplicity is required of Wilson as he navigates a world where nothing can be accepted at face value.

Over his thirty-year career, Wilson's methods are adopted as standard operating procedure and he becomes a respected veteran in his field, but his idealism is eroded by a growing suspicious nature, reflective of a world settling into the long paranoia of the Cold War, and an escalating conflict with his volatile KGB counterpart. In the end, he sacrifices everything in the name of serving the country he loves, including his wife Clover (Angelina Jolie), his child, and himself."

The 10:20 show probably was not the best choice. I didn't realize I was locking myself in for a slow-paced, political thriller with the ominous "greater than 120 minutes" running time. In other words, it certainly felt like it spanned thirty years. It touched on a number of events throughout that time period - World War II, the Cold War, the Bay of Pigs, the origin of the CIA - but I never felt as if the film gave any its due.

Instead, the focus was placed on Edward Wilson, played stoically by Damon. I have never been disappointed with a Damon performance. Hunting. Ripley. Bourne. I loved them all. I couldn't imagine Leo, who was originally slated to play the lead, pulling this role off. Damon did a great job playing the character as the screenplay surely dictated, but I just stopped caring about him and the whole web of espionage around the 76th minute. With all the focus on Damon's character, I didn't get the sense of any significant character development from a cold, unemotional operative with no sense of humor, and if that's the case, why SHOULD I care?

The plot was filled with holes and a lot was left unexplained. Some will argue that this was what makes a spy movie great. That's just crap. For example, at one point, Damon's son is seen as a helpless boy nervously peeing on Santa at a Christmas party and before you know it, he's grown up, smoking cigarettes, joining the CIA and hooking up with some KGB agent in the Congo. Please!

The Good Shepherd did keep my interest; I will give it that. But I'm thinking it was more because I was waiting - nay, praying - for Wilson's neglected wife Clover (Angelina Jolie) to show some boob. Sorry kids, no boob. Zero. There wasn't even a hint of cleavage. What a waste. On a side note, I miss the Jolie a la Girl, Interrupted. You know, when she used to play with knives and wear a "Do Me" look on her face accented by vials of blood hanging from her neck? She used to ooze sex. Now, frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of her and her UN antics. Did you stop reading and scroll down to stare at the Angelina pic? Thought so.

Another part of the film that I wasn't feeling was all its the star power. Aside from Damon, Jolie and De Niro, there was Alec Baldwin, Michael Gambon, Billy Cruddup, William Hurt, John Turturro, even an extremely wrinkled Joe Pesci! It just got a bit distracting after a while. It felt like De Niro was at some Oscars party last year drunkenly recruiting everyone he met into the movie. Honestly, the movie is better than 80% of the crap you see out there right now. Yes, I'm talking about you Deck the Halls.

Nevertheless, the plot was weak, there was seemingly no character development, I don't feel like I learned anything about the history of the events discussed, and did I mention it was long as hell? It makes me happy to see that the Golden Globe nomination committee didn't get tricked by all that star power and rightfully snubbed The Good Shepherd.

I probably should have just stayed home and kicked it with Starbuck and Gauis.

The Good Shepherd Trailer

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Origin

I know, I know. What am I thinking? Having the URL for my blog involve the phrase "nice package" and title it, of all things, "All I Need". Give me a break. I joined this whole blog game a bit late, and I think all the sites left on the series of tubes was this and "" ... oh, wait .... yeaaah, that just got swiped up, so I'm gonna have to stick you guys with this.

You might be wondering why I'm starting a blog about 3.7 years behind everyone else. But I will give you a simple, two-word answer: "The Bitches."

Sorry. I meant to say, "Dave Chappelle." That's cleaner. Yes. Rather.

I went to see this genius of comedy last night in San Francisco at a surprise stand-up performance. Apparently, he was sitting at his home in Columbus, Ohio yesterday, and suddenly he decided that he hadn't been to San Francisco in a while. So, he made some calls, got on a plane, and boom, there he was at the Punchline Comedy Club in front of a 60-bucks-a-pop crowd full of SF yuppies. Actually, before he did all that, he put out the weed he was smoking. Must have been some good shit.

All the guy brought to the stage was the hooded zip-up sweatshirt on his back and a plethora of Winstons. No material. No shtick. Nothing. He sat up there for an hour and a half and just talked. And the audience - myself included - just laughed their asses off.

He talked movies; he hasn't seen Borat. The jeers from the crowd explaining how funny Borat is and how he HAS to see the movie led to a "STOP PRESSURING ME!" exclamation as only Dave can do. However, he did concede that he was definitely seeing Rocky Balboa and contemplating making Half Baked VI when he's 60.

He talked TV; he is a huge fan of Heroes. He described how funny he thought it was that the Cheerleader went to school the day after being raped, killed and cut open on an autopsy table. Of course, he commented on the fact that the black guy's power in the show is getting out of handcuffs. I can't even count how many times he did the squinty-mouth clench Hiro Nakamura face. On a side note, he called Mind of Mencia shit.

He talked politics; although he hopes for a Hillary-Condoleeza cat fight, he believes Barack Obama will win.

Okay, I am not comparing myself to Dave at all. I just figured, "Damn, how sweet would it be to be able to talk about the stuff I love, and put it out there for people to read and waste their time on."

And from this, The Nice Package has risen.

(I really need to do something about that name...)