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Saturday, January 6, 2007

Annoyingly Addictive Mind Game + Playoff Picks

If you're bored at work or are a geek like me and just enjoy mind games, check out this one: Ouverture Facile. Yah, it's French, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

On to my Terse NFL Playoff Picks...

Colts over Chiefs - Peyton yells at his teammates constantly during the game, acts cordial after the win, and signs up for 13 more commercials to work on after his season is over; in other words, they are scheduled to shoot next week.

Cowboys over Seahawks - Romo wins this one for Jessica Simpson and shows that "Your Body is a Wonderland" ain't got shit on him. Hasselbeck gets demoted from Campbell's Chunky to Spaghetti O's.

Patriots over Jets - Pennington's bionic shoulder runs out of batteries and the Jets fail when trying to trade for Vinny at halftime.

Eagles over Giants - Garcia does it for Gilroy.

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